At UV Water Systems Ltd we have a plumbing specialists on our books for special installations. Such as 'Trevor' outfitting 4 very large chicken hatchery and egg producing operations using our UV sterilising equipment.
Clean water is very important for the proper development of chicks. 15 x chicks will drink around 1 litre of water a day, as they get older, their water consumption will increase where each full-grown laying hen will drink about 500 ml of water a day.
In summer or brooding temperature is extremely high a higher intake of water can be expected. If chickens have inconsistent access to clean water, they won't lay as well, eat as well or grow as fast.
Dirty water or water that is too warm will sometimes cause chickens to stop drinking, they also might not drink water that you've added something to, like vinegar or vitamin powders.
Chickens will reduce water consumption if their drinking water temperature is warmer than 100 degrees F.
The use of sugar or vitamin/electrolyte additives to the drinking water are not necessary for producing quality, healthy chicks. If these additives are used, it is essential that the solutions be mixed and replaced on a daily basis. When using these solutions, it is necessary that all equipment get a thorough cleaning every day to prevent a build up of disease causing organisms.
Water sources get contaminated with various organic and inorganic substances resulting in high pH thus chances of growing pathogens including salmonella sp., E. coli and fungi is high. Contamination of drinking water in poultry is formidable.
Constant water flow through a UV Water Systems Ltd UV steriliser for the water supply is the best option to be sure all water is clean and bacteria free.
It is a good idea to soak all watering equipment at least once each week in a sanitising solution. Allow the equipment to remain in the solution for 15 minutes before draining.
Have your water analysed
Total dissolved solids - TDS includes all of the dissolved minerals in the water. The effect on birds can vary with the substance and the amount in the water.
Salinity - Salinity is a measurement of the different salts in the water.
Sodium - Water which is high in sodium causes an increase in wet litter and High levels can produce footpad disorders, poor weight gain and feed conversions, loose droppings
Water hardness - The minerals calcium and magnesium are the major cause of water hardness. Not much effect on the birds but will clog up your water pipes
Sulphates - these have a laxative effect on birds and can cause wet litter if concentrations are greater than 500 ppm.
Nitrates and nitrites - The presence of nitrates and nitrites may indicate bacterial contamination from human or livestock waste.
Iron – is not generally considered a health risk for poultry.
When testing your water more than one measurement should be examined in order to determine if water is unfit for poultry. If that determination has been made, it is possible that a water treatment system will improve water quality.
Iodine Deficiency in Poultry Broilers Layers Ducks and Turkeys
In New Zealand Iodine is deficient in the soil and in birds, iodine deficiency usually results in a condition known as goiter. Poultry broilers feed to meat conversion efficiency can drop by as much as 34 % coupled with reduced quality.
Layers that suffer from iodine deficiency produce weak egg shells and high mortality in chicks shell death.