Boil Water Horowhenua Feb 17

Boil Water Horowhenua Feb 17

Don't drink Levin's water: Heavy rain contaminates Horowhenua district's drinking water


water tap

A boil water notice is being issued for Levin residents due to muddy water.

Levin residents are being told to boil water for brushing their teeth, drinking, and making ice following heavy rain. Even the home coffee machine isn't exempt.

The Horowhenua District Council issued the notice on Friday night, following heavy rain on Thursday.

The water plant was struggling to meet demand and manage the treatment of muddy water from the Ohau River, it read.

Until further notice, residents connected to the Levin water supply were advised to boil water before using it for:

* Drinking (including making of sachet juice/drinks)
* Making ice
* Food preparation
* Brushing teeth
* Preparing infant/toddler formula.

Electric jugs with a cut-off switch could be used as long as they were full  and the water allowed to come to the boil and switch off automatically. It was not advised to hold the switch down to increase the boiling time.

Water can also be placed a clean metal pan and brought to a rolling boil for one minute.

Boiled water should be covered and allowed to cool in the same container.

Residents were also asked to reduce their water use wherever possible to help the treatment plant cope better.

People with severely compromised immune systems, babies, pregnant women, and some elderly may be at increased risk and should seek advice from health care providers before drinking the water.

Anyone with specific health concerns should consult a doctor or Healthline 0800 611 116.

Food businesses were asked to ensure staff were using hand sanitiser after washing their hands, use commercially made ice, use bottled water for post-mix soft drink machines and ensure coffee machines were boiling water to 100 degrees.

Once the notice was lifted, businesses would need to ensure they flushed, cleaned and sanitised all equipment with water line connections.

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